The Way to Success

June 09 2019 | 18:06 PM



“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember.
I do, and I understand’’

Welcome dear hearts, it all begins from today. Well begun is half done. So let’s kick start for a glorious year...
Your mind sets,

When you change your thinking, you change your belief, When you change your belief you change your expectation, When you change your expectation you change your attitude, When you change your attitude you change your outlook. When you change your outlook you change your behaviour, when you change your behaviour you change your performance, When you change your performance “ You Become a Winner .”

Let’s discuss about Discipline

A disciplined mind leads to happiness, and an undisciplined mind leads to suffering .Thus we are select happiness. Then
What is discipline?
Discipline means the redress behavior. It is the adherence to the rules and regulations. This rule and regulations may define the expected standard of clothing, time keeping, social behaviour and work ethic.

Aim of School Discipline

It is to create a safe and happy learning environment in the classroom. It helps the teacher and students to achieve self-control. Discipline does not mean graveyard silence.

Causes of Indiscipline

The root causes of indiscipline may lie in and outside the school. Attitudes of administration, faculty and students can cause indiscipline etc. In fact, the major causes of indiscipline can be pinpointed as the following.

1. Improper syllabus
2. Wrong mode of learning methods and evaluations
3. Wrong admission procedure.
4. Unreasonable rules of discipline.
5. Absence of democratic Values.
6. Lack of adequate number of teachers.
7. Absence of the bond between teacher and parents
8. Groupism among the teachers.
9. Lack of ideal teachers
10. Favoritism

Techniques to prevent indiscipline

The problem of indiscipline can be rooted out from the school if suitable remedial, erasures are sincerely and objectively applied.

Some Measures

1. Ensure democratic atmosphere.
2. Ensure accurate evaluation
3. Avoid favouritism.
4. Ensure good parent-teacher rapport
5. Rationalize rule
6. Make class interesting
7. Develop competency of teachers
8. Make administration effective
9. See education as service
10. Facilitate good teacher- student rapports
11. Appoint adequate number of teachers.
12. Ensure student participation in forming rules od discipline.
13. Take instantaneous action against the doers of indiscipline.


It is not so easy a task to cure the problem of indiscipline or eliminate its elements from the campus for good. The head of the institution, teachers, students and the community may all have their own limitation in the way of seeing things and methods of dealing with them.
Established interests, narrow mindedness, ignorance, exhibitionism, and escapism of those related to the campus add fuel to the fire.

Discipline is internal. It cannot be commanded. It is to come from within. Impressionistic discipline is worthwhile. All those concerned have to change a lot. Everyone speaks of change but none thinks of changing himself.

Brain Twister

Concentration & imagination leads you to discovery

1. What beginning with ‘E’ and ends with ‘E’ and has only one letter in it?
2. Why does lizard eat firefly?
3. What did the mathematics book say to the other?
4. What is that we swallow to live but we die if it swallow us
5. ‘He’ is between two MATs, His degree is I.C.S. Then what is he?
6. What occurs once in every minutes, twice in every moment but not once in 1000 years?
7. Which compound has no walls, buildings or trees?
8. Why is river very rich?
9. Under all bridges water flows. But which is the famous bridge under which no water flows. ?
10. What is the largest mouse in the world


1. Envelop
2. Because it wanted a light meal
3. I have lot of problems
4. Water
5. Mathematics
6. Letter M
7. A chemical Compound
8. Because it has two banks
9. Cambridge
10. Hippopotta - mou-se

Do you know

1. In order to produce 1 pound of honey, 2 million flowers must be visited; at a distance which is equal to 4 times around the earth.
2. The Eiffel tower shrinks 6 inches in winter.
3. Finger nails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails
4. A sneeze zooms out of your mouth at a speed of 160kmph\
5. Coconut water can be used as a blood plasma substitute
6. There are more bacteria in our mouth than the human population of U.S.A And Canada combined together
7. You can’t kill yourself by holding your breath
8. Rabbits and parrots can see backwards without turning their heads back ward
9. A snail have 25000 teeth’s in its mouth
10. Ants make up 1/10th ( ONE DIVIDED BY 10) (ONE BY TENTH) of the to tal world animal ti-ssue

Day In this Week

Say No to Child Labour
Say Yes to School

“Work for Adults, Play and education is for Children. Let Them Be Children Not Workers” ….. Put the Child in Class Not in Glass.

Children are the world’s most valuable resources and its best hope for the future. A smile of children can show heaven on earth. There is no words describe how special children are to us.
“ There is No Reason, there is No Excuse , child labour is child abuse”. so, Against Child Labour we must fight.
The World Day Against child labour observed on 12th june. The day intended to serve as a catalyst for the growing worldwide movement against child labour and provides and opportunity to gain support from governments, civil society , schools, youth and women’s group as well as the media. in the campaign against child labour.
This year , 2019 the ‘World Day against Child Labour, programme takes place to celebrate hunder years of advancing social works and promoting its valuable works. Even though the report of ILO shows 152 million children are still in child labour.

Child labour

Strongly saying similar to slavery , the sale and trafficking of children , including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. Work which by its nature of the environmental in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the halth , safety or morals of children. Adolescent’s hand in work that does not affect their health , personal development and interfere with their schooling,
All children deserved to be loved and protected. pointing that child were living in a hostile environment which has become the biggest concern. We know , today many of the children were not been able to work of their dreams due to the situations , circumstances does not allow them achieve their dreams.
child Labour is a crime. When a child is asked or forced to do work that interferes of his childhood activities.
Childhood hood is a part of a human life I which child can enjoy the pleasures o life and parents love and papering, child is not supposed to earning , making building, breaking stones at childhood.

Education is
Their Birth Right

The children and their parents should know about their rights and asked them to come together to protect their rights and look forward for change in the society.
The Right of Children to free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009, which represents the consequential legislation envisaged under Article 21-A , means that every child has a right to full time elementary education of satisfactory and equitable quality in the formal school which satisfies certain essential norms and standards.

Main Causes
for child labour

Child labour is a crime. When a child is asked or forced to do work that interferes of his childhood activities.

1. poverty
2. lack of literacy of parents
3. Social and economic circumstances of family
4. Lack of awareness about the harmful situation of child labour
5. lack of quality education and skills
6. Unemployment
7. Orphan’s family background
8. urbanization

Child labour Happens

Children do work because their parents are poor; they have to supplement the family income or provide unpaid labour. It is also easy for adults to intimidate children. Employers can force child workers into submission when the children are dependent on them for food, lodging and even emotional support. Thus The result leads in permanent disability, ill health and psychological damage; as a consequences of poor safety and health standards and working arrangements.
We can stop child labour through the education school is the best place to work. Every child has the right to a good education, the right to play and right to enjoy its childhood.

For society

Child Labour is a crime. When a child is asked or forced to do work that interferes of his childhood activities. Generally regarded as being sometime positive. This includes activities such as helping their parents around the home, assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside the school hours and during the school holidays. This kind of activities contribute to children’s development and help of their families. They will provide them lots of skills and experience for prepare leading valuable life of society during their adult life.
We will be able to stop child labor together, if we no longer accept it. Not in mines, not in agriculture, not in factories, not in household and not in the products we buy.

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